Explore Baduy Village

Baduy Village, also known as Kanekes Village, is a secluded traditional community located in the Banten Province of West Java, Indonesia. The Baduy people are known for their unique way of life, which is deeply rooted in their traditional beliefs and practices. They are also recognized for their distinctive dress code and isolation from modern society.

Isolation and Traditions

The Baduy people have intentionally maintained their isolation from the outside world to preserve their traditional way of life and cultural values. They strive to live a simple and harmonious existence in line with their ancestral customs.

Two Baduy Communities

The Baduy Village is divided into two main communities: the Baduy Dalam (Inner Baduy) and the Baduy Luar (Outer Baduy). The Inner Baduy community is the most secluded and strictly adheres to their traditional lifestyle, while the Outer Baduy community has more interactions with the outside world.

Dress and Appearance

The Baduy people have a distinct dress code that reflects their commitment to their traditions. The men wear white, loose-fitting shirts, black sarongs, and headbands made from woven fibers. Women wear similar white clothing with a checkered sarong and a black shawl over their head.

Beliefs and Religion

The Baduy people practice a unique blend of animism, Hinduism, and Sunda Wiwitan (traditional Sundanese belief system). They believe in the presence of spirits in nature and perform various rituals and ceremonies to maintain balance and harmony with the supernatural world.


The Baduy people practice subsistence agriculture, cultivating crops such as rice, tubers, fruits, and vegetables using traditional farming methods. They avoid using modern tools and machinery, relying instead on their traditional knowledge and practices.

Taboos and Restrictions

The Baduy people have strict rules and taboos to maintain their purity and separation from the outside world. These include restrictions on using electricity, wearing shoes, cutting down trees, and using modern transportation.

Tourism and Visitation

The Baduy Village has become a tourist attraction for those interested in experiencing traditional cultures and observing the Baduy way of life. However, visitors are required to follow specific guidelines and rules to respect the community’s traditions and privacy.

Challenges and Preservation

The Baduy way of life is facing challenges due to external influences and pressures from modern society. Efforts are being made to strike a balance between preserving their unique traditions and allowing limited interactions with the outside world.

Responsible Travel

Before participating in a Baduy village tour, it’s crucial to research and choose a responsible tour operator who prioritizes ethical and respectful interactions with the indigenous community. It’s also important to be aware of the impact of tourism on such isolated communities and to engage in the experience with cultural sensitivity and mindfulness.

Here are some key points you might experience during a Baduy village tour:

Cultural Immersion

The main purpose of the tour is to learn about the Baduy people’s traditional way of life. Visitors can witness their unique customs, clothing, architecture, and daily routines. This might include observing their traditional houses, woven clothing, and simple tools.

No Modern Amenities

The Baduy people lead a very simple life without modern amenities such as electricity, vehicles, or advanced technology. This tour would provide insight into how they manage their day-to-day activities without relying on modern conveniences.

Traditional Practices

The Baduy adhere to strict cultural and religious practices, including traditional ceremonies and rituals. Visitors might have the chance to witness or participate in some of these ceremonies, gaining an understanding of their spiritual beliefs.

Limited Contact

The Baduy are known for their minimal contact with outsiders. During the tour, you’ll likely be guided by local people who have permission to interact with visitors, ensuring that the experience is respectful and non-disruptive to the tribe’s way of life.

Guided Tours

To visit the Baduy villages, you will usually need to arrange a guided tour. These tours are typically organized by local travel agencies or guides who are familiar with the customs and traditions of the Baduy people. They can help facilitate interactions and ensure that visitors follow the appropriate etiquette.

Respectful Behavior

It’s essential to approach the tour with a deep respect for the Baduy people and their way of life. Visitors are often asked to adhere to specific rules, such as dressing modestly and refraining from taking photographs of the Baduy individuals, as photography is often discouraged to maintain the tribe’s privacy.

Frequently Asked Questions

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